A review by readivine
Lady Killer by Jamie Rich


Well, well, well, this is an amazing read for the start of the year! I have decided to make my first reads always be graphic novels because of their bite-sized nature and welp, I just love them??!?!?

Lady Killer is a fantastic starter and delectably good with it's sharp and nostalgic art style. I really love how there's a heavy grit present in the art plus that inking is gorgeous!! Not only that, but for such a short novel it packs a punch with every striking frame. You could really see a lot of beautiful dynamics executed here and the frustrated artist in me couldn't help but blush in its entirety,

Alongside this, the plot is quite fast paced and very engaging. Although, the storyline may not be really the most unique but it sure is the most enjoyable one I've read. If Lady Killer have a more full length series, this would be amazing to look at in the big screen but, I digress. This graphic novel is definitely a beauty to behold; I love the art style, every action scene, as well as the quick and steady progression. I'm already claiming this as one of the best reads of my 2020.