A review by mama3manda
The Housemaid by Freida McFadden


The Housemaid - Creida McFadden - Thriller - Mystery - Suspense - Psychological Fiction - Domestic Fiction
⭐⭐⭐ 3/5

A fun and kind of "dark" read. It was a bit predictable for me, which is never a good thing in this genre. I had some things figured out long before revealed. It wasn't a bad book ... I've just read better. I see big potential for a long series.

Fun Fact: I accidentally read 30% of The Housemaid's Secret (book #2) before I realized I hadn't read the first. You can definitely read them standalone or even out f order; BUT everything is best explained reading this one first, although unnecessary.

The way things end in this book, I can definitely see how there can be many many sequels to come.