A review by lizs_book_nook
Enlightened by Magic by Kelli McCracken, Elena Gray


PHENOMENAL! This book was action packed and full of twists and turns I did not see coming! The mystery, the intrigue, the suspense that had me teetering at the edge of my seat. This book was a wild ride full of energy that kept me grasping at each moment as it came.

The connection and chemistry between Katarina and her guardians is absolutely electric! As much as they may accept or try to ignore the bond there is no denying that the connection they have is special and unbreakable. Each of them, Katarina, Jax, Quinn and Roark bring such a powerful presence to this story. Each a unique character bringing a special flair of life to the book.

Then add in the other characters like Samara, Draven, Zander, Nicholai, Mathias, etc. and you have one heck of a jammed packed, exciting story that any reader can devour and get lost in!

I need book 3 in my life! This series has consumed every waking thought and I can’t wait for more!