A review by dwittkop
The Glass Forest by Cynthia Swanson


A phone call from her teenage niece she's only met once puts Angie's life in a spiral. The niece, Ruby, frantically reports that her mother, Silja, has gone missing and her father, Henry, is dead from an apparent suicide. Running to tell her beloved husband Paul that his brother is dead and his sister-in-law is missing, Angie only wants to help the family heal. Paul, Angie and their baby son, PJ, all board a plane going from Wisconsin to Stonekill, New York to be at Ruby's side.

As the story unfolds, Angie becomes aware of past events in the families' lives that makes her question what really happened. Learning that terrible war trauma caused paranoia in Henry so deeply that he believes that anyone with a thought differing from his is a Communist - including his own wife. Silja's chaste life creating a deep desire for any form of companionship which leads to a hidden relationship outside of her marriage. To, worse of all, the revelation that her amazingly handsome. loving, faithful husband was run out of Stonekill years back due to accusations of inappropriate advances toward a minor. How well does Angie know anything about this family or her life she's made?

Only once Angie is able to break through the barrier that her niece has constructed of self-preservation, does she realize that there is danger not only for Ruby, but for Angie herself and her baby. The truth must be revealed but only at the assurance that they all three will remain unharmed. Ruby, a much stronger and mature woman than anyone is aware, navigates how all is brought to light. The question becomes, how well does Angie know Ruby and to what extent does she extend her trust.

A truly gripping tale that is highly recommended.