A review by sarahlreadseverything
Miss Buncle's Book by D.E. Stevenson


Delicious with a capital D - the kind of book to be savored with a cup of tea, or curled up in bed. This was my pick during a recent visit to Persephone Books and did I pick well or what? Miss Buncle's Book is a delight from start to finish. An unassuming middle-aged spinster writes a novel of British life, in an attempt to pay her bills (it was either write a book or keep hens) - the book is an instant bestseller, and turns the real-life village she inhabits on its head, with hilarious and heart-warming results.

Every time I put this book down after a reading session I was left with a warm and fuzzy feeling, and I am so looking forward to discovering more of D.E. Stevenson (and was relieved to find that Persephone publish the two sequels to this one).