A review by ajewel4books
The Riddle by Alison Croggon


Well pooh.... I loved the first book and was so excited about reading this series.. The Story line is a good one this had such the potential of a great fantasy.. But if I can not get behind the main character then I lose all love for the story.. In the first book I thought she was well done you like her and start really hoping things turn out for this poor girl who has had such tough life I love the magic she was capable of and was very excited about going into the sec book. The main character starts off ok I was feeling it and of course totally love Cadvan then the further we get in the story the more whinny Maerad became and then she just starts being mean and ugh she just started getting on my nerves she no longer was that great main character I was finding myself skipping through parts then she falls in love at the drop of a hat to the worst person possible in the book and I seriously wanted to smack her it did not even flow with the story all a sudden it is like HUH WHAT! Anyway I doubt I will read the the other two books.. I am pretty over it.. sad because I really think this story had the potential to be amazing..