A review by luana420
Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters by Mike Gold, Lurene Haines, Mike Grell, Julia Lacquement


Once you get past the kinda off-putting violence against sex workers (hey, a comic book with something to prove in 1987), this turns into a pretty cool 80s action movie, with an actual friggin Rocky Mountain First Blood/Cliffhanger style climax.

Ollie is kind of a lame duck protagonist (his only motivation seems to be to want kids, which... okay?) but Shado more than makes up for him in both design and relatability.

I heard that this was a redesign of the character which is VERY FUNNY since you have this scene of a Robin Hood cosplay motherfucker talking to a Death Wish police detective at the hospital soft drink machine. Like, uhh, maybe we shoulda redesigned slightly harder...

Mike Grell's art is truly one of the most awe-inspiring things I've seen in mainstream comics, holy shit. I was gawking practically every page.

Also kinda impressed that this was just a three-issue arc! Thank you, short comics!

So yeah, if you can get past the half-gross/half-eyerolling FILTH OF THE CITY opening, it gets fun! (hope you don't like Black Canary too much)