A review by nelljustice
Storm in a Teacup by Emmie Mears


At first, the narrator wasn’t sparking my interest. Her voice for the protagonist was very hard and sharp. I thought it was just me and after listening awhile, I decided it really was just me. The protagonist is a very hard and sharp woman who is in a difficult place. She has a mystery to solve and some difficult moral choices. Her employer is not exactly understanding a new hybrid demon/human because “it’s always been done this way.” Famous last words. Kill that which you do not understand.

The narrator doesn’t use much voice range in the characters, but it wasn’t a deal breaker. I didn’t like the narrator’s voice much when I first started listening, but as I got wrapped up in the story, the voice seemed to fit better and better.

The ending isn’t a cliffhanger, nor is it a happily ever after. It’s not death and mayhem, just moving on. I like the HEA much better, but it’s ok. Give it a shot.