A review by crlyhairedbibliophile
Flowers for the Sea by Zin E. Rocklyn


What a beautifully strange ride this was! And in such a tiny package! 

I knew this could be for me the moment I saw “Rosemary’s Baby by way of Octavia E. Butler” and it definitely gave me the vibes I was looking for. Every detail is so vivid that I could almost feel and smell it leap off of the page. I felt for Iraxi in these circumstances, especially when it came time for her to give birth. I’m usually not that big a fan of body horror, but I didn’t mind it so much here as it definitely helped contribute to the mood of the story. I also appreciated the exploration of motherhood and even Iraxi’s anger towards it. 

As with many novellas I’ve read and loved, I hated to see this one come to an end and would have loved another hundred pages added on just for more of the aftermath and to answer a few questions. But I still really enjoyed what it gave me in such a short amount of time.