A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Dear Evan Hansen by Val Emmich


I'd already heard a lot about this book. Of course the mentions of the musical have crossed my path, just like I had quite a few friends telling me that this was such an easy read for them and that they enjoyed it so much. But, I was kinda afraid I wasn't gonna like it, because the blurb suggested quite some stupid for the sake of drama. And I'm totally allergic to that.

But, yesterday I was like: I'm just gonna give it a chance and 120 pages in I was already pretty sure that I was gonna love it. Yes, of course Evan is not the smartest person around, but his motives are very noble and pure and kind. At a lot of moments he wants to do the right thing and come clean, but it's very understandable why he doesn't, why he keeps on lying, just making the lie bigger and bigger. And it's totally understandable why in the end, people forgive him for it.

In a lighthearted and almost funny way, this book deals with some heavy and important issues. It deals with loneliness, it deals with anxiety, it deals with the fear of not meaning anything and being forgotten when you die. There were moments that Connor and Evan really touched my heart with small quotes that just hit very close to home.

Of course, it also felt a little bit like watching a disaster happen in slow motion. I knew that at some point everything would collapse and the truth would catch up with Evan, but it was an interesting and emotional road towards that final crash. And I'm glad that Evan didn't get hurt too badly. I know that good intentions don't mean anything if the deeds don't back them up. But in Evan's case? I'm willing to look away and give him a pass.

I'm kinda curious to listen to the music right now. I might look it up on Spotify!