A review by readlovereviewblog
Wolf Girl by Leia Stone


The author's intro was enough to make me want to read this story. This book was also recommended to me in similar books I have read recently on Amazon.
I love that the author included a map of her city to help the reader understand where the story takes place. The first part of the story really drew me in because I loved the story's opening part. You got to see Demi's personality and watch her lose control, which happened to be in front of a hot guy (Sawyer). I was very interested in this book from the Wolf Girl's point of view. The author totally captivated my attention with her unique additions to the fantasy world.

The books began at a Delphi University with a very introspective look at our main characters' circumstances and attitudes. The author covers the back story or the main characters very early in the book. Still, she doesn't info dump the information. She does it thru conversation and thought. The reader definitely gets enough information to understand the history as things progress.

Werewolf City is mentioned, and I loved that the author had an entire backdrop set up with scenes I could imagine as they described it. Wolf Girl is Demi, and of course, the hot alpha's son is Sawyer. (Don't worry, I won't post any spoilers, this one you have to read for yourself). I enjoyed that Demi is relatable and a strong female character even with all the drama and unexpected events.
This book gets even more interesting as you read through and get more backstory on the main characters, their personalities, and, of course, the history as well as the current situation.