A review by cqg
So Here's the Thing . . .: Notes on Growing Up, Getting Older, and Trusting Your Gut by Alyssa Mastromonaco


I read Mastromonaco’s first book at the end of last year and I found it to be endearing and intriguing (love stories about President Obama). But her second collection of short essays was a drag to get through. I think at a different moment of my life (high school??) the reflections that Mastromonaco presents as personal and emotional would read as such, but now they read more like someone attempting to create authenticity where little existed. •
Yes, I enjoyed her little lists of what she travels with or what she keeps in her bag. I thought her reflections on self-confidence and body awareness were insightful. But I definitely felt like this book was not worth the energy. If the author isn’t putting in the work to reflect on themselves, why would it inspire me to?