A review by xoxo_lils
Meet Me in the Middle by Alex Light


Woah. I will never read anything like this again. (that's a good thing) I was very surprised by the ending of this book. This is a YAR novel about two people Eden and Truman who are connected by Katie, Truman's sister, who also happens to be, Eden's best friend. After being friends with Katie for years Eden and Truman have shared tiny bits of time with each other, and eventually start to fall for each other. This book is so predictable, isn't it? No, not really. One night Eden is over at Katie's house when she stops in Truman's room and starts looking at his art. He catches her and shows her all his pieces, eventually they kiss. Truman gets called downstairs by his friends saying that it was an emergency, only to find out that Katie had gotten into a car accident, wasn't wearing a seat belt, flew through her window and was being rushed to the hospital. He tells Eden and they rush over.
Fast forward, Truman's gone to an art school and Eden is working at a restaurant as a waiter. She makes a friend, Manny, who is the chef their, and works along side his dad. (they own the restaurant) Truman comes back and they kinda just avoid each other for a while. They meet... again at an art festival the the place Eden works at is catering (Pollo Loco) and talk to each other for the first time in months. They start to hangout more and more until eventually they kiss. But during the time they'd been hanging out Katie hasn't gotten any better (it's been 6 months now) and her parents decide to pull the plug. Convinced that nothing good ever comes from them, Eden ands thing with Truman and goes back to a normal life.
The next time they see each other is at Katie's funeral. Eden leaves without anybody noticing besides Truman who finds her soon after sitting on a bench. He sits down next to her. Eventually Eden gets up and leaves, and BAM the story ends.
I honestly really like this ending for a book like this. It's not your typical: they, meet fall in love, something bad happens, they leave, find each other again, end up together and live happily ever after. I can't even count how many books like that I've read. THEY DON'T END UP TOGETHER!!! FINALLY SOMEONE UNDERSTOOD THE ASSIGNMENT! Even though I wanted them to work it out and end up together, they didn't and I honestly loved it. It shows what being in a relationship is really like, and that sometimes you have to respect that you said good-bye. Who knows, maybe they'll end up together but unless the author (Alex) writes a sequel that's up to you to decide, and I kinda like that.
Idk if I'm just emotional or what because the last few books I've read, I've cried while reading them.

If you want to cry, definitely read this book 10/10 recommendation, coming straight from yours truly so idk why you wouldn't take it. Happy Reading!