A review by helpfulsnowman
Lone Ranger: The Devil's Rope Tp by Mark Russell


This was okay, but I'm not sure how this connects to Airheads, the film about three dopes who break into a radio station in order to...get their song played? I can't remember exactly.

I just read the Wikipedia, and I think officially the most interesting thing about Airheads is that it was filmed in the same location as Die Hard. Airheads is kind of reverse Die Hard: group of guys take hostages to get what they want, but in Airheads, the hostage takers are the good guys. Pretty much. Sort of.

Although this is also a pretty good portion: "In 2002, the film was shown on Estonian TV, with the word "retards" being subtitled as "tiblad", a word with an entirely different meaning. Eneken Laanes, the translator of the subtitles, apologised for the translation error, stating that she was unaware of what "tiblad" meant."

Also, Brendan Fraser, in his young hunky phase, which preceded his adult hunky phase, actually sang the Lone Rangers' hit song, and he wasn't terrible.

Also, Steve Buscemi, of this time, would be a perfect Monster Magnet.