A review by afretts
The Disenchantments by Nina LaCour


Colby and Bev have spent the last 4 years of high school planning to go on tour with Bev's band and then head off into the world on a year long trip around Europe. Unfortunately, at the beginning of the week long tour, Bev drops the bomb that she isn't going on the trip, she's going to college, leaving Colby scrambling to decide what his future holds.

Like a lot of other people, I was really deceived by this book. The cover and the blurb make it sound like a fun book about a group of friends that go on a road trip. It's not. This book really introspective and sad, bordering on depressing.

Colby is IN LOVE with Bev and has spent 4 years planning and obsessing about the trip they are planning to take after high school. They are serious about this trip- so serious that they agree to take a full year off (defer college) to take it. Apparently, Bev had no intention of going because she drops the bomb 6 days before they're supposed to get on a plane that she's not going. This was the first real issue I had with the book. Bev and Colby have been best friends for a decade, yet she's COMPLETELY SCREWING HIM OVER. What is Colby supposed to do now? How do you allow someone you have such a close relationship with to not apply to any colleges and leave them with no plan? This is incredibly selfish.

For pretty much the entire book Bev is an unbelievable asshole. She treats Colby terribly. She is selfish and aloof. She knows he's in love with her, but she flirts with other men in front of him.

The scene where
Spoiler Colby and Bev have sex was just confusing and out of place to me. Was Bev trying to hurt Colby even more? Did she actually want to have sex with him or was she just being self destructive? This entire event was without reason to me and wasn't properly address in the book.

I feel like the secondary characters could have been further developed. The author really only scratched the surface with Alexa and Meg. I would have liked to read more about what drives them and who they are.

I gave this book 3 stars because it was a quick read and I really did enjoy it. Colby's journey of self discovery was interesting and made me think. The book was well written and fast paced, but I don't know that it would hold my attention for a second reading.

I would recommend this to fans of The Perks of Being a Wallflower because it is semi-melodramatic. The book WANTS to be deep and pulls it off (mostly) without seeming pretentious or overly descriptive.