A review by captwinghead
Archie, Vol. 3 by Mark Waid


2.5 stars.

This was disappointing.

I understand that we have to deal with the aftermath of the last volume that separated the gang but this is so far form what drew me to the series in the first place. It's the same writer (with help from Lori Matsumoto for Veronica's parts) but the artist has changed drastically. I know Staples hasn't been back since volume one but Fish attempted something closer to Staples' art. Eisma just seems so different and it took me out of the book. Veronica and some of the other female characters look so angry and harsh. The storyline is boring to me. Worst of all: where the hell is Betty?

She was my favorite character from the first issue and she was barely in two panels in this book. I miss her! Instead of getting equal time for Veronica, Archie AND Betty, I get Veronica, Archie and Cheryl, who I don't care about. The vignettes in this book seem even shorter than usual. I liked watching Veronica grow as a person in volume one but they had to regress her a bit for this storyline.

The bit with Archie wanting to be more like Jughead was okay but not super intriguing. Archie's charm seemed a little off in this one, as well. The bit with Sayid went absolutely nowhere. I miss what this series was.

2.5 stars.