A review by maddie_orart
Rebel Heart by Moira Young


More reviews posted on Of Reading and Random Things

After re-reading Blood Red Road and finding out it was still as awesome as I remembered, I jumped straight into Rebel Heart, with my seatbelt buckled and my mind ready for another adventure. But even though Rebel Heart isn’t bad per se, it was a little underwhelming.

The action and excitement that made Blood Red Road great are missing in Rebel Heart, and even though I appreciate the insight into Saba’s thoughts and emotions resulting from her actions in the first book, it does slow the pace of the story. I feel like the characters aren’t as lovable as they were, especially Lugh, who acts like an ass most of the time. Maybe it’s justified. I don’t know. We don’t really get a lot of information about anything other than Saba. And speaking of our main character, she makes some pretty questionable questions in this book and generally being angsty and decidedly un-Saba-like. At least I’ve decided.

I think I’m going to say that Rebel Heart has contracted Sequel Syndrome because it lost the spark and freshness that Blood Red Road had. I’m still going to read the last book in the series because despite all that, I liked Rebel Heart enough to finish reading. And plus, I’m curious about what happens next. Especially after that last page 😉