A review by cannot_cross_water
Messing up the Paintwork: The Wit & Wisdom of Mark E Smith by Mark E. Smith


Ehh, what the ..? Found the book listed as written by Mark E. Smith - I hoped for another wall of mildly offensive rants as found in Renegade (which is hilarious, read that one instead). I didn't do my research and ordered it straight away. My bad - the book turned out to be concoction of really cringey adulation, cut-outs from interviews, poems and other resources, trying to grasp the "wit and wisdom" - in a completely self-defeating format that feels like paging through a mildly obsessive schoolgirl's fan-book.

I mean, know, I know! It's the Fall! We all love Mark E. Smith and his charming dickery. I'm sure the intention was good. And I did grin a couple of times.
But still, don't... Rather go and give your fav album a re-listen, I'm sure it would be more appreciated.

(That extra star is there for a nice visual format and hardcover.)