A review by bluebeereads
The One by Kiera Cass


Istyria book blog ~ B's world of enchanted books

Of course there will be spoilers for the previous two books. Can't avoid that. Spoilers for this book will be hidden. It's up to you whether or not you choose to read them.

This is one of the hardest reviews I've written so far. I sad and happy at the same times and my head is still spinning from everything that happened in this book. I'm sad because this series has come to an end. I'm happy because of how it ended. One of the best endings to a series I've read so far. This one, fortunately, did not disappoint.

In The One we find America a few days or a week, I'm not sure anymore, after the events of The Elite. It starts out with an attack from the rebels and it doesn't really slow down. God, I don't even know how to go on with this. I need to find the right words... Okay I'm just going to tell what's on my mind and this review will probably be a mess from now on. Okay. Let's do it.

In this book, America isn't as conflicted as she was in The Elite and The Selection. She seems to know who she wants now and I really liked that. I knew who I wanted her to end up with from the beginning and I'm glad America finally caught up too. But it's not all romance in her life. The rebels are still at large and seem to become more violent by the day. And America still keeps true to herself. Even when the King threatens her into obedience, she doesn't bend. She knows what she wants and she'll fight for it too. I love her, I really do.

One of the most shocking things for me was that I actually started to like Celeste. We get to know her a bit better and she's not as much of a bitch as she was in the first two books. I really like how much the girls left bonded in this book. There's more about them, but I can't talk about that. I'll do that in the spoiler-y part in the end of the review. There's a lot I want to talk about in the spoilers, haha. So if you have read this book and want to talk about the things in the spoilers, feel free to contact me on Goodreads or facebook or whatever.

I'm not sure what else I can say that isn't a spoiler. You guys know I love Maxon and Queen Amberly and all the others by now. Oh I haven't really talked about them, but I really adore America's maids! They are so sweet. So there. I'm going over to the spoilers. If you have not read this book yet, please skip this part and read it when you have!

SpoilerMost of the spoilers are about the end of the book, so I'll discuss those later. First, I need to talk about America's dad. Why did he have to die? It's not fair! My heart was broken and I was so sad and crying and everything. I was so sad for America and her family!

Then Maxon finds out about Aspen and America and of course he's raging mad, which I completely understand. They were finally in a good place and Maxon was going to propose and then he finds out that and it seems like it's all over. But in the middle of the party where he's going to propose, things explode. Celeste is killed and things are complete and utter chaos. America and Maxon make up in all the chaos and Aspen brings America to a safe place, leaving Maxon behind. We don't know what's happening while she's there, but luckily that doesn't last long. She breaks out and some guards bring her to the hospital wing. She thinks Maxon is dead and tells Aspen she loved him. But he then tells her Maxon isn't dead, that he's the King now because the King and Queen were killed. So she goes to Maxon and they're both so happy they're alive and well. Maxon tells her about his plans to remove the castes and how it was her all along and that he wouldn't have known how to save his country if it weren't for her and then he finally proposes to her and she says yes!

Then comes the wedding. Aspen is now with Lucy, which I did not see coming, but I liked it. The other remaining girls from The Selection are there, except for Celeste of course. I did not expect to feel so bad about her dying. And Queen Amberly. So, so sad. But it all ended perfectly. Maxon and America marry, like I always knew they would. Team Maxon forever!

Woosh, that all came out quickly. So much to talk about in this book and I'm sure I missed some things. If you have read this book and want to talk about it, please contact me! I can't wait to gush about this! A perfect ending to a great series. They really are addicting, though. i read all these books in one sitting, one even late into the night. So yes, if you have read The Selection and The Elite and you loved both or even just one of them, read this book. You need to know how all of this ends. Now excuse me while I go try to deal with all the feels.