A review by literallyilliterate
Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi



after nearly two months, i have finally finished this book.

current series ratings:

shatter me: 4.5
destroy me: 5
unravel me: 5
fracture me: 3.5

**this review may or may not contain spoilers for past books in the series and this book**

things i liked:

- juliette's character development. she became an absolute badass in this book! i loved getting to see her take control of her power and understand it better, and how she was no longer afraid to hurt people who stood against her beliefs.

- juliette and kenji's friendship. we really got to see it develop in this book and man i love those two so much. they are so compatible as friends and it's so nice to see.

- some iconic warnette scenes. the pager scene, the "lift your hips for me, love" scene, honestly every scene between them was pretty great. i'm glad that they're finally a thing as it has been way too long.

things i didn't like:

- not sure if this was just because of my reading slump but this book was a bit boring to me at times? the only time when i was really engaged was when i was listening to the audiobook, which was pretty good by the way. other than that, i had trouble staying focused but that is an issue i have with literally everything nowadays so that's probably not the book's fault?

- THE COMPLETE 180 THE AUTHOR DID ON ADAM'S CHARACTER IN FAVOR OF WARNER. we all know that i freaking hate when there's two love interests and one's character is completely ruined to make it obvious who the mc is going to go for, and this was no exception. this was the main reason why i didn't enjoy this book as much as the others. the author made adam a complete jerk to the point where it felt so fake. like all those times when he said he felt better when he thought juliette was dead, or when he screamed at her and kicked her out of his house, etc. it just felt so forced to make warner seem like a better person. now, even though i like warner better than adam, warner definitely is not a perfect angel!!! and the author kind of made him seem like one in this book!!!

there's probably more i'm missing but overall this was sort of disappointing, i think my expectations were too high since everyone always goes on and on about how this is the best book in the series. i'm still gonna continue it though because these books give me life