A review by liralen
My 'Dam Life: Three Years in Holland by Sean Condon


Oh hey! I don't even have to review this properly, because Condon did it for me:
Critics and reviewers: here is an ideal opportunity for those of you so inclined to take what I've written and use it to make snide, yet obvious remarks about how I needn't have bothered writing this book and didn't end up saying much, if anything at all. Try this on for size: At one point Condon disingenuously writes that he had no intention of writing a book about his life in Amsterdam. 'What the hell would I say?' he asks. Unfortunately, the answer is very little. (137)
My more charitable side reminds me that I'm really not the target audience for this brand of British/Australian male humour (no, really, it's a thing), and my impressions are coloured by that. Too much trying really, really hard to be witty and snarky and one-liner-y in every single sentence. And, for all that, not nearly enough about living in Amsterdam itself...