A review by dawn_marie
Two Graves by Douglas Preston


Agent Pendergast is one of my favorite literary characters and I always enjoy reading his adventures. In Two Graves Pendergast is about to reunited with Helen, the wife he thought dead for the past 12 years. As the couple prepares for the reunion Helen is kidnapped setting Pendergast on a merry chase as her tires to rescue. In the meantime, a bizarre serial kill terrorizes New York and when D’Agosta to calls in Pendergast it begins g a series of adventures that lead Pendergast to a mysterious compound deep in the rain forests of Brazil, delving into Helen’s secret past, and turning up some secrets of his own. There are also subplots involving Constance Greene and Corrie Swanson that, while it is nice to learn about these characters they add nothing to the main story (in fact they could have been left out of the novel entirely). The inclusion of these subplots feels like a set up for future stories. Two Graves is everything that I like about Pendergast novels; fast moving plots, twists and turns, familiar characters, and an entertaining read.