A review by bibliobrandie
I Might Regret This: Essays, Drawings, Vulnerabilities, and Other Stuff by Abbi Jacobson


I sent the publisher a fangirl email (always with the "I'm a librarian" mention) and begged for an advanced copy of this book. To my surprise, it worked! I quickly read through this collection of essays by one of my favorite funny ladies and her writing does not disappoint. Which really was not a surprise. There is so much to love within these pages...she's hilarious (I couldn't help but hear her voice as I was reading), there are some very touching moments (the long love letters to Ilana and her mom are two of my favorite chapters), she includes some of her drawings, and there are some revealing moments (won't spoil!). It's exactly what I always hope for in a collection of personal essays. Sad it's over but my daughter was basically reading over my shoulder so she's happy I can pass it on to her now.