A review by erinarkin20
The Body Electric by Beth Revis


I loved the Across The Universe series so when I heard Beth Revis had a new book coming out I immediately added it to my TBR shelf and of course…once it was up on Netgalley I couldn’t help myself – I HAD to have it. I was not disappointed with this story at all and if you haven’t had the chance to read it yet, go get this!

The world building was very well done. The way Revis described and really, designed the world based on real places helped me to visualize just how much would have changed in this future. I was able to imagine Ella jumping from boat to boat in New Venice and the way Revis describes how the cities were constructed after the war created a base for the way the cities were designed. It also speaks to the unity the new government was hoping to achieve.

I also enjoyed the characters. Ella is the daughter of some very smart scientists, both of whom have developed some things that play a critical role in the story. Early on in the story, we find out that Ella’s father was killed in a rebel attack at his lab and her mother is suffering from a disease that is basically incurable. Things haven’t been easy for Ella over the last year or so but she is trying to make things work. I liked Ella – she is smart, tough, and willing to do whatever she has to in order to keep those she loves safe. This is a thread throughout the entire story and as things are revealed, it becomes very clear just how much Ella is willing to do.

There is the political aspect of this story that covers the government and its development but there is also the piece of the story that explores the use of robot/androids and to what extent they can be humanized. The science that Ella’s father was working on ties to this plot and I found it very interesting. The science of the mind is something that I will admit is beyond me but I found that part of the story to be an intriguing plot line. Could someone really get into someone else’s mind to know what they are doing? Who knows…but it definitely added another layer to this book and linked me back to the mystery of what was really going on with these key governmental players.

There is a romance here but the way the story comes out, it doesn’t take center stage – which I appreciated. It was definitely an important piece of the story (which you will understand as things unfold) but not the only thing. The mystery of who really is the “bad guy” here is what moves the story along and I have to admit, I wasn’t necessarily surprised so much about the who as much as I was surprised about the why. Only because it was pretty straightforward and makes me wonder what lengths someone would go to in order to get something they want…in this case, the person thought the ends justified the means and they were willing to put anything or anyone at risk to get what they wanted.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and I think Revis has made it onto my autobuy list. I love her view of science fiction and the fact that she is able to integrate a bit of the swoony stuff alongside all of the world building and plot, only makes me love her stories more. Definitely check this one out when you can, I don’t think you will be disappointed.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the review copy!