A review by myntop
Edge of Recovery by Molly E. Lee


While this book was fantastic, I couldn't give it the full 5 stars because of my intense dislike of the main character before even starting. That being said, I am impressed with an author who can take a much hated character like Justin and find something redeemable and "fix" him to where you might not love him by the end of the book, but you won't hate him like before.

We get to see what Justin thinks of everything that went down in the first book in the series. We get to watch as he faces his own demons and tries to be a better person...making some mistakes along the way. I'm glad that the author decided to give us this follow up to book one and let us see how Justin was able to grow. And in addition to all that, we get a brief glimpse into Blake and Dash's life again too!