A review by mweis
In Repair by A.L. Graziadei


 *I received an eARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*

Icebreaker was one of my favorite books the year I read it, so when I saw a new A.L. Graziadei book I knew I had to read it.

In Repair takes place in the same world as Icebreaker, so we see some of those characters here to varying degrees which was nice though you certainly don't need to read one to read the other. In Repair follows Nathaniel Conti, a freshman who is struggling. He dissociates, he acts out, and he knows there's something wrong but he refuses to acknowledge what it is or how to fix it.

I really appreciate how Graziadei tackled Nat's trauma with so much care and nuance. Throughout the book Nat makes some questionable choices but the reader empathizes with him deeply. I also appreciated that while Nat grows throughout the book, he acknowledges that there is more growth that needs to happen and he understands there are consequences to his actions, even if those poor choices were made because of trauma responses.

In Repair cemented A.L. Graziadei as an author I will absolutely read everything from, and I cannot wait to see what they publish next.