A review by lizziehutchings
Vengeful by V.E. Schwab


~~edit 02/21/22~~

What a dark tale about the most evil sector of humanity.

"The world wasn't made for the faint of heart. Nothing ventured. Nothing gained."

I love Sydney, but other than that, I don't think I can say that I like any of the other characters as people. V.E. dares to do impossible things, and I think the Villains project is one of them. Can't wait to see what she does in [b:Victorious|44232064|Victorious (Villains, #3)|V.E. Schwab|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/book/50x75-a91bf249278a81aabab721ef782c4a74.png|68763116].


Ah, could one ever tire of reading V.E. Schwab books? I think not.

4.0 fabulous stars

“How many men would she have to turn to dust before one took her seriously?”

I have always been one to appreciate and rant about why our glorious Queen Victoria Schwab is the best author that ever lived. And this book did not lead me to think otherwise.

I have to admit, this book was a tad underwhelming compared to Vicious (the first book in the series in case you missed that). It was a little too slow-pace for my liking during the first half, but it DEFINITELY PICKED UP.

The ending of this book was so unsatisfying, which I received mixed information regarding whether or not the series will continue. Goodreads says 2 more books--which I would be so down for. And some of my sources say that V.E. Schwab is stopping, but then there's this:

"I jokingly say there will be a new VILLAINS book every 5 years. But I might not be joking." -V.E. Schwab (Twitter) Her post.

My favorite character is still Sydney. I like June. Marcella was annoying. I still like Victor slightly more than Eli. Sorry--y'all can't change my opinion (don't even try Whitney).

Sorry, I am about to launch into a V.E. Schwab rant, so you have been warned. One thing I just love about her "finale books" is that her climaxes are just so huge, and the anticipation just kills me. Especially in this book, we were introduced to so many new characters that had their own goals and problems, and pretty much their own plot lines. And I was so invested in all of them. So, like the plot-writing goddess she is, V.E. Schwab took all of these characters--all of these plot threads--and she wove them together into the HUGEST OF HUGE climax. It was a masterpiece.

If you have yet to pick up a V.E. Schwab book, do it. It's worth it. Just. Agh.

The next V.E. Schwab book on my list is City of Ghosts, so that is where you will see me next, friends.

Have a spectacular afternoon