A review by sabbirbt1212
Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed by Jared Diamond



I am Jared Diamond,Professor of Geography and winner of a Pulitzer price in the non-fiction for Guns/Germs and Steel.Here in this book i am going to portray/theorise/analyze how people/society destroyed themselves by failing to grasp the enormity of the destruction they brought on their surrounding environment.So you can say this book's premise is a bit 180 degree turn on my famous book's premise-wherer Humans decided their fate by their action.

I went with a 5 point framework :Human impact on environment/climate change/neighbouring trade/war,lack of trade/Political decision of the society.

With this in mind i delve into the ancient collapse of the Easter Island/Mesoamerican Maya/Greenland Norse and also the modern collapse of Rwanda/Haiti and then i discuss how the lessons of these can teach us-the modern residents of Earth.Hope you guys like it.


Mr. Diamond,
This is a fascinating topic to write a book especially whose insight we can use in the modern world but my god your writing has become so much drier than your first book.At times it felt like a Textbook.Writing aside the first part-Collapse of ancient societies-is enjoyable,seems legit and thought provoking.(Although your theory of how the Easter Islanders carried those humongous statues proved to be False-hint:the statutes literally walked to their site).

The part on Rwanda/Haiti situation/Japan's forest reservation plan though pretty monotonous was insighful.The business practices-Bad/Good of Big business seemed to me a sort of positive PR.but that is on me.

You wrote and wrote but you can't wrote and wrote more on China -that is a travesty.But hey one can't always get what he wants.About Australia i get why you get pretty excited and i also enjoyed that part but can you please tone down some of the technical things.Even for an Engineer like me that seemed to be too raw to digest although as i have said earlier your writing style is way dry.

I have heavy critisim on the last part where you try to preach what should we do.You blabbering on and on about human impact,achieving First world life style and many other things but you didnt utter a single word about the White Elephant in the room.CAPITALISM whose infinite growth dogma is feeding these destruction and to satisyfy our Consumer mindset and when it comes to policy making you shove it down to the throat of ordinary people instead of asking why the law works the way it is and why the state and big business are in cahoots.But hey that is also me.(An advice -Try Reading Katherina Pistor's The Code of the Capital).

So despite choosing a fascinating topic to write on in no way i am satisfied with your proposed solutions and man try to write a little bit more-what can i say-Relaxed.
