A review by jlmb
Lost by Sharon Bolton


The third in the series. I liked it. I was wondering if the author was going to bring up certain issues from the previous two books and she did. I was glad because it drives me a bit batty when I am reading a series and the characters don't reference or deal with certain things that were in previous books. I understand the author and publisher want to have a stand-alone mystery book for when people read the books out of order, but it does make for odd reading when main characters act like they have amnesia.

The mystery itself was good - I did not guess the killer til towards the end. Lots of entertaining red herrings throughout the story. I did think the children acted too mature for their ages. I have a 12 yr old and he's not a dummy, just an average kid and the kids in this book seemed way older than him. Like more 14/15 yrs old than 10/11. Made me wonder if the author has children herself or if she even knows any.

The use of technology throughout the story was clever. Phone tracking apps, Facebook, blogs etc. Sometimes I will read a mystery supposedly set in current day and it will be a weird bizarro world where no one ever goes online. Maybe the author doesn't want to date the book? Not sure but it brings me out of the story when none of the characters act like real people. I'm glad Bolton has her characters using current technology.

Looking forward to reading the fourth in the series.