A review by capesandcovers
Girls Like Girls by Hayley Kiyoko


Book CWs: suicide (discussed throughout the whole novel), depression, excessive use of alcohol, use of weed, homophobia (both internalized and from external sources, use of dyke as a slur)

I'm not going to lie, this is about what I expected from the book, so I'm glad I wasn't disappointed. The concept of trying to expand the world of a music video was an interesting one, and while I don't think it was necessarily executed as well as it could've been, it was fun to see the details that we were missing from the Girls Like Girls music video. While it was easy to be pulled along with the story, things definitely could have been better developed, both when it came to the characters and story itself. A lot of the scenes felt like sapphic ~vibe~ imagines/romance scenes, but because they happened often there wasn't really space for real development for anything else. Most celebrity "written" novels tend to be like this, so I wasn't super surprised, but that's why it has the rating it does. I wasn't expecting the novel to take place in 2006 either, which makes me wonder if teens are actually going to be interested in it's setting. While it was a fun throwback for me, I'm not so sure it's far enough back to count as "historical" fiction, so much as just... old lol.

Girls Like Girls is a fast read that covers some heavier topics but still manages to maintain a lighter mood. It's nothing special, but I'm sure that there are queer teens who will love it.