A review by marilynw
The Art of Theft by Sherry Thomas


The Art of Theft (Lady Sherlock #4) by Sherry Thomas (Author), Kate Reading (Narrator)

Sherlock (Charlotte) Holmes most recent job involves infiltrating a French chateau, during a Yuletide ball, in order to steal material that is being used to blackmail a dear old friend of Mrs. Watson. The skills and talents of many will be needed to carry off this feat during the glamorous ball, where precious artwork will be bought and sold. An already dangerous job is made more dangerous when it becomes apparent that things are not what they seem and that this organized crime of blackmailing goes so much deeper than it first appeared.

Livia, Charlotte's sister, is close to finishing her first Sherlock Holmes book and Mr Marbleton will be on this adventure with Charlotte and company, giving Livia her one glimpse of a loving relationship, if only life were different for both him and her. Lord Ingram has recruited a good friend to help with this endeavor and everyone will be employing a variety of disguises before and during the ball. As always, there is so much going on in the story, so many moving parts and changing motives, that I'd be hard pressed to really relate what actually happens throughout the retrieval of the blackmail material. But I enjoyed spending time with this group and look forward to spending more time with them in book #5. 

Pub October 25th 2019