A review by felicia_l
Imzadi by Peter David


Probably the best book Peter David wrote for any Star Trek series. It answered the many questions behind the relationship of Commander Riker and Counselor Troi. (The sequel was just as compelling and wonderfully gave resolution to the Riker/Troi/Worf triangle with which the show had ended but wasn't answered in films or on DS9.) But this book was truly wonderful to read.

A friend of mine tried to read the sections in chronological order but gave up when she realized she was missing the essence of the work. I told her to just enjoy how it was written...and she did when she stopped her silliness.

I had the chance to meet Peter David in 2009 and have him sign my copy. He said this was one of his favorite pieces to do and he still likes to listen to the audiobook read by Jonathan Frakes (which I definitely need to get).