A review by shaysshelf
Fragile Sanctuary by Catherine Cowles


This is only my second Catherine Cowles book, but I've been meaning to read her books for forever. I knew she would be an author I loved as she gives similar vibes to A.L. Jackson's writing, and she is one of my all time favourite authors. 

Fragile Sanctuary did NOT disappoint. It absolutely gave me A.L. Jackson vibes and I am SO here for it. 

This book was fantastic. Both Anson and Rhodes have a tragic backstory. They have both experienced significant trauma and while Anson is trying to run and hide from his by not letting anyone in, Rhodes has embraced her new found family and the community with open arms. 

I live for a broody grumpy man, and Anson's background gives him SO much depth. I adore that he embraces his "nerdiness" and the way he allowed Rhodes to tear down his walls after never letting anyone in for years was so incredibly heartwarming. I loved how his old world was colliding with his new one and he wasn't just an over protective man without any skill or knowledge to back his behaviour up. He was smart and calculated.

Rhodes was a ray of sunshine, given the significant loss she has experienced. When tragedy struck her family and she was left to live with her best friend's pieced together family, she found a new home and made the best of it. When she was finally ready to face her past as an adult she found she was facing something that ran much deeper than she could have ever imagined. 

I had several theories along the way and none of them were correct! This story was perfectly crafted and kept me intrigued the entire way through. 

I have always been a huge fan of Andi Arndt and Zachary Webber is one of my favourite male narrators too. They both gave a perfect performance that kept me engage, intrigued and never pulled me out of the story.