A review by ec_newman
Just One Year by Gayle Forman


I seem unable to do a video review for this book, so I'll try and verbalize my reaction here instead (this usually comes out more eloquent anyway).

First of all, Forman is a masterful writer. I get sucked into her words with little push. I love how both JOD & JOY both take the reader to all these places. It's truly like getting to backpack with the characters. I mean, this one took me to India which was awesome. I read this all in one sitting (it was a very late night) because to put it down was not an option. So much, much kudos to the author for that talent.

Willem's story is just as full and developing as Allyson's was. Tons of his history is revealed and it colors his character brilliantly. And again, I'm glad that (to me at least) the personal growth is more or at least as important as the romance aspect of it. That's what means more to me as a reader (romance can be cheap in a lot of books lately).

I do however (this is very personal i know) have issue with how much Willem sleeps around. And yes, I'm still convinced that he feels something deep for Allyson despite the sleeping around. I also understand that this isn't unusual for a guy of early twenties, also European (where the values are less puritanical than in the US). I get all that. I just didn't like it. It feels like a double standard as Allyson is not like that.

I would be grateful for a story where it isn't expected or condoned for the guy to be this way. And I realize this is completely against today's society where everything is about sex, but there is a lot more to a story, even a coming of age one (which these very much are) than sex.

Overall, love the book, the world, the characters (The side characters are so wonderfully full even when minor), and the places I got to visit.