A review by laurenkaleo
Lauren Conrad Style by Lauren Conrad


After reading through the reviews, I decided I needed to get a fair review out there. Would you go to a hair salon that specifically caters to women who have curly hair when you have stick straight hair that doesn't hold curl? (the answer is no, you would not) Then why would you pick up this book, with a girl who is famous for being famous and knows exactly how to dress to her tastes and style? While I believe that it would be cool for a Style book to come out where it crosses race, body types and so on, it's impossible. You would have to take into consideration not only specific races (not to mention us girls who are mixed), but you'd also have to include ALL body types (and not just the "normal" ones of hourglass, triangle and stick but ALL the combinations too) along with specific styles (jeans and a tee? Elegant? Heels all day, everyday? Tomboy? Boho? Alternative?) AND where you live. That's impossible. If you don't like Lauren Conrad and how she dresses, leave this book to those of us who do.

STYLE could be considered "common sense" but ladies... Look at pictures of you from when you were in 8th grade. TELL ME you had impeccable style. This, is the intended audience. Young Adults. I learned a lot from this book. Conrad includes the staples of what SHOULD be in every woman's closet (everything from a LBD to a well fitted heavy coat) and how to accessorize them to make them look like different outfits! She keeps everything to basics EVEN THOUGH the pictures show various things. Unfortunately, most people have the in ability to look at a picture of something (a dress, for example) and see what they like or do not like about it. No, you don't need a bright teal maxi dress with a flower print like Conrad wears on page 15 but you can see what kind of maxi dresses YOU like and look good in. The woman cannot buy and put together outfits for you. She is simply giving your mind the tools it needs to be able to put together a good, beautiful outfit that makes you feel good about yourself. Conrad also includes the best outfit to wear while on a plane (no, sweats are not the staple), different ways to wear your LBD, simple ways to style your hair and makeup and how to dress for your job interviews.

If you like the California style and want to learn the basics AND YOU HAVE AN IMAGINATION, you will like this book. You don't need to buy $700 dresses in order to be able to "get" this book, trust me. So the "spoiled rich girl" comments can take a hike.