A review by melsbookshelf
Out of the Ice by Ann Turner


4.5 Stars
What a great read! I saw this at Big W the other day in the top 10 section and it reminded me that I had it on my kindle ready to go! I have been so swamped with books to review lately, and this was one of the ones I was most looking forward to reading. But with other deadlines and tours I haven't had a chance to read it before now. Good things come to those who wait!

Laura is an environmental scientist. She is sent to an old whaling station on a remote island in Antarctica to study the wildlife in the area, and decide if the station should be made open for tourists. When she arrives at the base she is treated extremely strangely by the staff, and then some odd and eerie things begin to happen. What is going on at the old whaling station? Who is trespassing and trying to scare her? And who can she trust?

This was an absolutely gripping, atmospheric piece of writing by Ann Turner. She has captured the isolation of the ice and the horror of the old whaling station perfectly.

Laura is an excellent character. I love how she was damaged but had a great inner strength and passion for the animals at the whaling station. I loved how at times you didn't know if what she was experiencing was real or not.

I must admit I was unprepared for where this book ended up! I wasn't expecting it and it was almost an abrupt change from where I assumed it was going. This wasn't a bad thing at all, it was just surprising! The ending was good, and there were plenty of twists and turns.

I just LOVED the downright creepiness that dominated a lot of the book! I thought it was fantastic!

Would I recommend Out of the Ice?

Yes! Anyone who likes a little suspense, intrigue and ice will enjoy this one!

Many thanks to Simon and Schauster and author Ann Turner via NetGalley for a copy of Out of the Ice in exchange for my honest review.

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