A review by 88ashleymae88
The Art of Mending by Elizabeth Berg


Beautiful, heartfelt easy read

This was a gem of a little story. A touching story of family, and all that that entails. You follow the main character through a time period of, maybe two weeks? Two of the hardest, emotionally exhausting and yet liberating weeks of a persons life. You get to know her really well.
I felt like the author could have spent more time giving depth to Caroline, the sister and their brother. (His name is escaping me at the moment). Given the story line I feel like more from Caroline was nessecery

I do wish that there weren't so many unanswered questions. Through out the book you see some of the main characters flash backs and memories and some provided more questions than answers.

The ending kind of stunned me however. I can see why Caroline resolved that way, buy then the book just ends. I feel like given the amount of hurt and heartache I would have liked to hear more from the mothers perspective at the end, at the very least.

During the plot line, the patriarch of the family dies. I don't get why this was added in the story. In the grand scheme of the story its a useless bit of information, other than it created a issue with trying to confirm accusations. The death, which anyone who has lost a parent knows is a major ordeal, isn't the catalyst to the real issue at hand in the plot line. It just felt unnecessary.
Despite that, I did enjoy the book, it was a quick one afternoon read. Nothing too intense or uncomfortable but nothing really with resolution other than confirmation.