A review by l1nds
If I'm Scared We Can't Win by Sophie Collins, Emily Berry, Anne Carson


Sometimes the right book comes along at exactly the right time, and this is one of those for me. I didn't think I liked poetry, I thought that was a lesson I learned at school, but I was wrong. I've had a bad month for various reasons that I won't go into, but reading Emily Berry's poetry somehow soothed me. Her poem Doubt is exactly how I've felt for weeks. It's short - 4 or 5 sentences, but it summed me up exactly and nearly made me cry in a Waterstones cafe because it was like a little piece of my soul on the page.

Obviously it's entirely subjective, and just because it spoke to me it may not speak to you, but I just can't recommend it enough. I only picked it up (and I did buy it, I didn't just read it in the cafe!) because I'd seen someone raving about it on Twitter, so I'm just paying it forward.

I would have given the book 4 stars as a whole, I did enjoy Anne Carson and Sophie Collins, but I had to give an extra star to fully express my love!