A review by inkandinsights
The Course of Love by Alain de Botton


Life does not have an instruction manual. Love life certainly does not have one.

That makes navigating the everyday complexities of emotions tied to relationships difficult to handle.

Also, we end up making mistakes that last a lifetime that cost us our happiness and peace of mind. If only there were a book that taught how to take better decisions when it comes to choosing a partner, living with a partner, even better, treating a partner the right way, life would be easier and happier.

In short, an instruction manual for love. Or, a course of love, as the title suggests.

This book does justice to the title. In fact, it does a good job of unraveling the beauty of relationships and also educates us to forge better relationships. It makes one - either married or single to understand what the other person could be undergoing when they are intertwined in a relationship.

It is not just "Think from the other person's shoes" cliche advice. In fact, this is not even a self-help or non-fiction book. This is a rare fictional book with a non-fiction angle to it.

I wish everyone who is yearning for a relationship, or is in a relationship, is going to be married soon, or is planning to marry soon, reads this book. It will make the world a better place.

Because, when our relationships are intact and are in harmony, rest of the world's problems seem trivial and easy to handle. The quality of our individual lives will also see a tremendous improvement.