A review by biblio_mom
How Are You? by Aiman Azlan, Aiman Amri


Started off with a strong foreword, but the rest fell short for me. Following both Aimans sharing on social medias, this book doesn’t lived up to their verbal sharing, to be honest. Because I have watched them talking through the details in a such impressive, and informative way. This book offers the basic understanding of the silent struggle of stress, anxiety, and depression. Written in simple english, its the most comprehensive read about the topics if English is not your first language.

A few things you can learned :
- Be empathic towards mentally ill people
- Mental illness is not because of lack of faith
- Being an active listener and not being judgemental is a choice
- Try to make daily plans to be in control, and set backs is okay
- Scientifically, women can get depressed easily than men, but when men gets it, it can get worst than women

My favourite chapter would be Finding Peace in Pain : Religion & Depression. Battling mental illness and being stigmatised is painful enough, that we don’t need others to measure our faith just because we are suffering from a mental illness.