A review by nerdinthelibrary
Venom Vol. 2: The Abyss by Donny Cates


Review also found on my blog.

1) Venom, Vol. 1: Rex ★★★★

content warnings: violence, gore, murder, child abuse, rape

This was a garbage fire. As you probably noticed, I really like Volume 1. I thought it was weird as fuck and unsettling in several parts, but it worked for me and I loved the ending. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

Donny Cates really dug his own grave here. First, he decided to say a few months ago that he saw Eddie and the Symbiote's relationship as toxic, which, fine, it was back in the day, but nowadays not so much, at least in my opinion. I don't think we all took that as the warning it was that this man has no idea of what the relationship between these two characters is.

This volume started off strong, with a good mystery and the Most angst, but it very quickly went off the rails in a bad way. The worst part was that the plot represented could have been great. The idea of Eddie and the Symbiote both thinking that the other wants to be bonded to someone else and the lengths they'll go to in order to not be separated could have made a really interesting comic if it was in the hands of someone like Mike Costa, who understands the relationship between these two characters.

Instead we got this fucked up depiction of two people who don't even seem to care about each other by the end, at least not in a way beyond survival, with a weird twist about a kid who by the looks of it was the product of rape (which is so fucking dumb I don't even want to get into it).

Safe to say I will not be continuing with this particular series.