A review by castaya
The Third Kingdom by Terry Goodkind


Ok, I have to say that the whole "walking dead" thing really threw me off at first. All I could think was "really Terry? Did you need to jump on that bandwagon?" However, I think he did a pretty good job of tying it into a world with which I was already familiar (by explaining it in the context of the link between the world of the living and the world of the dead).
That being said, the chapter breaks really started to bother me in this book. I was able to get past it in The Omen Machine simply because, for the most part, I felt like the story went on mostly uninterrupted, although it did seem a bit overkill to have 86 chapters in a 525 page book. In the case of The Third Kingdom, however, it became irritating. When a single conversation goes on for more than 2 chapters, it's time to reconsider the way the book is being broken up.
This book, like The Omen Machine, could probably have been a little bit longer, as it, too, felt rushed. Either that, or the two books could have been combined into one, since they are both part of the same story.
However, I must admit that because of how well the story tied into what I already knew, it did make up for some of the issues I encountered.