A review by tyrshand
After the Golden Age by Carrie Vaughn


THIS was the incredibly satisfying read I've been looking for lately!

The plot is that Celia West is the completely un-superpowered daughter of the city's most famous superheroes, yet discovers that she can still do a lot of good with her life. So, simple seeming plot, but the relationships are so well done, the characters are lovable, and the question of who we are -- nature or nurture -- is fascinating.

One of the things that sets this book apart, I think, is that it is pretty much a "coming of age novel" -- but not for teens. Celia is a grown woman. She's finished college, she's been living on her a while... But, like many of us, she's still finding her place in the world and still discovering who she is. Those children and teen coming of age books make it feel like you reach this integral point of your life and then you're grown up and you understand it all. This, it shows that it's a much more complicated process that might not click for a while... We've got so many issues and there's baggage we carry. We get beyond it eventually, though. (and save the world)