A review by michelecisneros
Sugar, We're Going Down by Michelle Hercules, M.H. Soars


This review is based on an ARC I received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts on this book are my own.

I was not a big fan of this book, it all felt a little rushed and forced to me, when I had requested this book I didn’t realize it was the second in a series, I figured it was like the other New Adult “series” I have read where they are technically companion novels and you didn’t have to read the other books to understand what was happening to this book, that was my fault not the authors fault but I was really lost for a while. I also didn’t really like Oliver’s character. I did however like Saylor’s character as I felt she was well flushed out.

I give this book a 2 out of 5 stars.