A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Only the Ocean by Natasha Carthew


If you've been following my reviews for a while already, you've probably noticed that a road trip has to be really good to actually convince me. If that road trip sparks some interesting emotional development for example or if it really serves a purpose and leads to some epic conclusion that just blows your mind.

But, this book has a weird kind of sea trip that just leads absolutely nowhere and doesn't come with some great emotional development or conclusion. It all feels a little pointless. It eventually leads not really anywhere and all we get to read is two girls at sea almost being killed a couple of times and then somehow finding a way out again. O, and they fall in love, but I have to admit that I missed the exact point it happened and the chemistry.

The writing style doesn't really serve the story either. It all feels very monotonous and repeating. My mind was drifting of constantly or I was simply zoning out. Quite often I was reading the words, but they didn't really reach or touch anything in me. It was like I was reading a study book on a subject I couldn't quite appreciate. Geography or something.

Doesn't this story have anything interesting? Yes, it has a few interesting elements, among them the world that's being built. It's a pity that we only read about it through memories and dialogues and don't get to see any of it. There seems to be quite a few interesting things going on on the mainland and I wish we got told that story instead of this one.

But well, not all books can be four or five star reads, right?