A review by mbenzz
The End of Men by Christina Sweeney-Baird


3.5 Stars rounded up...

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. The story was heartbreakingly sad and gripping, but about 3/4 of the way through, it started to lose steam.

My main issue with this book is SO many people are introduced only a few times that it was very difficult to remember who went with which story.

There was a US military spouse that had one short chapter, then was never mentioned again (which was a bummer cause I liked her). Many of the names are so basic, and interchangeable that I kept mixing people up (Amanda, Catherine, Elizabeth, Dawn). I would have to flip back to the last chapter they were mentioned to remember where we left off with them.

However, the bones of the story were excellent. A disease that only affects men, and completely decimates the earths male population? Super readable!

I thought it was interesting how the dynamic changed for the 1% of the surviving male population who were immune. Suddenly they found themselves in a WOMANS world. Men become such a rare sight that when they go out they find themselves constantly harassed and propositioned by women looking for male companionship. Women are in charge of major companies and world leaders are almost all female. It was interesting to read how the men handle having the shoe on the other foot (spoiler alert...not well, lol).

Overall, I would absolutely recommend this book. As I said, the story does start to drag a bit, and could easily have been shaved down by 50-100 pages, but I’m glad I read it. It’s crazy how the author started this book in 2018 only to finish it at the beginning of a worldwide pandemic. What a strange thing to experience!