A review by pelicanfreak
Axxeon King's Captive by Liz Paffel


This was my first Liz Paffel book and won’t be my last; I’m eagerly awaiting the release of book 2 in this series.

Paffel is clearly brilliant; she delivers characters that are complex and mostly likeable. There are one or two that were fun to hate on and I found Alora easy to relate to.

The story flows well with no continuity issues and a semi-complex plot. Despite being science fic, I found it pretty plausible; as a result I was more easily able to get lost in it so the book provided a fun escape.

It manages to pack action, drama, a war between races, true love, carnal attraction, heat and strong family values while laying the groundwork for so much more to come in future books.
Excellent world-building.

The book could use another round of proofing but overall is a really fun read.

4 stars