A review by faithl
Reverberations: Violence Across Time and Space by Zerrin Özlem Biner, Yael Navaro, Alice von Bieberstein, Seda Altuğ


Review originally posted HERE


Yeah . . . I didn't enjoy this book very much. It wasn't my cup of tea. The whole sappy romance and the 'predestined' to belong to each other concept didn't appeal to me at all. So ultimately for me, this book was both a bore and a cringe to read.

This will be quite a short review because there's not a lot I have to say except for some things here and there about the characters and the plot.

Ebony was a whiny and useless character to me. For most of this book she droned on and on about how much she loved Nathaneal or how hot Nathaneal was. SHUT UP, WOMAN. It seemed like who she was revolved around her love for this angel dude. Nathaneal and Jordan were the same: whine, whine, whine, talk, talk, talk. None of these characters were independent and this was the main reason why I disliked many of them except for Prince Luca, he had some redeeming qualities.

Moving on to plot. The plot itself wasn't very exciting. While reading this, I waited for something dramatic or at least redeeming enough for this bland book. That didn't happen. All that remained was a simple and annoying goose chase of Ebony being kidnapped by Prince Luca, escaping and then at the end, being kidnapped again. URGH.

In conclusion, definitely not my cup of tea. The cringe-worthy, sappy romance, unexciting plot and shallow characters did not appeal to me.
