A review by angels_gp17
Storm Forged by Lindsay Buroker


Storm Forged is book six in the Death Before Dragons series by Lindsay Buroker.

I had a blast reading this one. Storm Forged wraps up the over all story arc for this series.

Val finds herself in another predicament. She can’t say no to helping out Nin’s long lost grandfather. I enjoyed the mystery and reveals in this novel. We get twists and turns, plus some drama. Val handles it all with grace and maturity.

It’s been a journey for Val and I liked seeing her develop and change throughout the series. She finally finds someone to open up to. We see her strengths develop like her learn to use her magic and her sword work improving. We’ve also seen her improve her reputation in the supernatural world.

I was happy with Val and Zav’s relationship in this book. They are finally in a good spot together and they overcame the last of the barriers and secrets between them. I like that they finally cement their relationship.

Zav has learned a lot about humans and he appreciates Val, but he’s still his arrogant dragon self. I liked seeing him grow.

Storm Forged was a great read! We got to see Val end up with a family that likes and loves her as she is and we get to meet so many wonderful characters plus its full of action-packed adventure. Fans of Urban Fantasy will enjoy this series.

Rated: 5 Stars
