A review by gypsydawn
The Guardian by Quinn Arthurs



Still on the fence with this, but I’ll definitely check out Book 2 when it comes out. Typical story - girl with hidden past, and the guys who help her discover it and guard her. Let’s not forget the required prophecy. Pretty standard PNR RH fare.... or so I thought. It changes things up about a third of the way in. Oh, she still has a hidden past and they still guard her, but SHE’S a Guardian too... or will be. Plus there are a few other details that flip the script and make this worth reading.

- Not exactly what you think it will be.
- Onyx... jerk of a guy, kinda love him.
- Can feel a complex history being built.
- Slow burn.
- Some scenes are LOL.

- Formulaic... at first.
- Felt rushed.
- Info dump a time or two.